Arlington Radio Public Service Club

Welcome to the Arlington Radio Public Service Club website. Our activities include making cheerful contacts on the ham bands, expanding our technical expertise, and serving the community. Providing Auxiliary Communication to Arlington County VA Emergency Management is our primary purpose, through our FCC-authorized Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) repeaters, nets, and drills. Join us on the air for fun and service.
Will Doggette K3SRF, ARPSC President
Arlington County RACES Net
Wednesdays at 9 p.m. W4AVA repeater, 146.625 MHz (input -600 Hz) tone 107.2. All Amateur Radio operators are welcome to participate in the net. **While the 146.625 repeater undergoes testing, nets should use the 448.625 repeater.
Volunteer to be a Radio Operator for the 2024 Marine Corps Marathon!
Calling all radio operators! We have an exciting opportunity for you to be part of a vital team supporting the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) on Sunday, October 27. The MCM relies on approximately 150 amateur radio operators to ensure seamless communication throughout the event. Your role? Provide essential situational awareness and rapid communication across…
The 2024 Arlington 2m Simplex Test
Embracing the Simplicity and Strategy of 2m Simplex in Amateur Radio In amateur radio, the allure of 2m Simplex lies in its simplicity and direct approach to communication. This mode, free from the complexities of offsets, CTCSS codes, and digital repeaters, represents ham radio in its most elemental form. For licensed operators, especially those new…
2023 W4AVA Repeater System Update
The W4AVA repeater system is part of a broader linked system. Dave Jordan (WA3GIN) has been heading up the work on this as a labor of love for quite some time. He has managed to put together a relatively nice linked repeater system with a couple of great friends down in the Northern Neck, Jeff…