Volunteer to be a Radio Operator for the 2024 Marine Corps Marathon!

Calling all radio operators! We have an exciting opportunity for you to be part of a vital team supporting the upcoming Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) on Sunday, October 27.

The MCM relies on approximately 150 amateur radio operators to ensure seamless communication throughout the event. Your role? Provide essential situational awareness and rapid communication across the course. Using 2m and 70 cms frequencies, accessible with a dual-band handheld radio, you’ll help maintain a smooth and safe marathon experience.

If you’ve participated in our club’s 2-meter net on Wednesday nights, you’re already well-prepared! Additional training, scheduled around two weeks before the event, will get you fully up to speed. Picture yourself stationed at a mile marker, reporting runner progress, medical situations, and assisting as needed—a firsthand role in the largest amateur radio public support event in the DC-MD-VA area.

Scott Larimer, KN4RPA, the MCM amateur radio lead, has extended an invitation to potential volunteers, emphasizing the significance of your contribution.

Cartoon of a person on a radio next to the Marine Corps Marathon.

Ready to jump in? Here’s how:

  1. Register as a Ham Volunteer on the MCM Organization website: www.marinemarathon.com/volunteer.
  2. Head to https://hamvolunteers.com/ to sign up for an MCM Ham assignment. This user-friendly platform guides you through the process step by step, offering valuable information along the way.

Curious about the experience? A training session is planned for October, and you can catch a glimpse of the event’s spirit through the MCM Ham Radio Facebook group.

For details on the event’s schedule, course map, parking, and more, visit the Marine Corps Marathon site: https://www.marinemarathon.com/.

Don’t miss this chance to combine your passion for ham radio with a meaningful contribution to the Marine Corps Marathon. Join us in making this year’s event a triumph of communication and community support!